Christmas event & Knowledge Meeting themed “Talent Gaming”

    Date: Πέμπτη, 08 Δεκεμβρίου 2016
    5:30 μμ - 10:00 μμ

    The Electra Palace Hotel Athens

    It is our pleasure to invite you to the HCA Christmas event on Thursday, December 8 2016.

    In this festive annual meeting of the Association will have the opportunity to witness a unique Knowledge Meeting themed “Talent Gaming”.  This is an innovative methodology based on principles of table games to help discover talent and enhance awareness in Team Coaching.

    More specifically Talent Gaming:

    • Allows coaches to create a unique experience to expand the boundaries of a team
    • Helps highlight individual competencies and blind areas that should be taken into account for the achievement of team goals
    • Creates added value in a team and contributes to strengthening the commitment
    • Includes reflection, confidence building and the analysis of strong and weak elements of a team

    We are honored to welcome, for the first time in Greece, meeting facilitator Susana F. Casla, psychologist, Business Executive and Team Coach, founder of ESCOACHING and TALENT GAMING® and specialized in the field of talent development, leadership and innovation with 20 years’ international experience.
    Susana will invite participants to take active part in the “game” so you can experience at first hand how Talent Gaming enhances the discovery of talents in teams. Susana has published several books and research papers on coaching, talent and innovation.


    At the end of the meeting we will have the opportunity to thank and honour those members who were coordinating the various HCA volunteer programs implemented in 2016.


    At the same time, we will share and discuss our thoughts, ideas and suggestions for the Association’s action plan for 2017 and for which – as every year – we need your active participation.


    Our event will be completed by enjoying a light cocktail and exchanging festive greetings!


    Note that you will be given certificates of attendance for those who record their hours of continuing professional development (CPD) for their individual accreditation.


    To confirm your participation in the knowledge meeting please sign up by November 20th.


    ATTENTION, given the specific nature of the interactive Knowledge Meeting, the number of participants should not exceed 40.


    Event Program:

    17: 30-18: 00: Registration

    18: 00-20: 00: Knowledge Meeting «Talent Gaming: Power of board games for discovering talent and enhancing awareness in team coaching»

    20:30 – 21:00 HCA updates

    21:00 – Networking – light dinner & wine

    Venue in the Athens center to be announced



    HCA Members 25 euros:

    Μη μέλη του HCA 35 euros:


    If you are not a member yet but want to support the Hellenic Coaching Associations then you can join at the meeting.

    We are looking forward to seeing you there!


    HCA invitation 8-11-16.cdr